"Tant que je ne suis pas ivre, mon bonheur est incomplet.
Quand je suis pris de vin, l'ignorance remplace ma raison.
Il existe un état intermédiaire entre l'ivresse et la saine raison.
Oh ! qu'avec bonheur je me constitue l'esclave de cet état, car là est la vie !"
Omar Khayyâm, Les Rubaïyat (quatrain 37)
The tavern party, complete with ecstatic dancers, singers and overindulgent drinkers, is given a new meaning by the presence of angels on top of the pavilion, suggesting that the state of drunkenness can be likened to that of spiritual enlightenment. As a Sufi symbol, wine stands for heaven's divine light and the cup into which it is poured, for the devotee's heart.
(Source : The Metropolitan Museum of Art).
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